761. Rights, legal empowerment, and poverty : an overview of the issues / Dan Banik -- The political economy of legal empowerment of the poor / Arjun Sengupta -- Legal empowerment as a new concept in development : transforming good ideas into global action / Mona Elisabeth Brøther -- Constitutionalism in an insurgent state : rethinking legal empowerment of the poor in a divided Bolivia / John-Andrew McNeish -- Poverty, legal activism, and development in rural China / Susanne Brandtstädter -- The access to justice challenge in Uganda / Donald Rukare -- Legal empowerment and the right to food / Marc Cohen and Mary Ashby Brown -- Are Africans cul
Author: edited by Dan Banik.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

762. Routledge critical stud
Author: edited by Stephen C. Berkwitz, Juliane Schober, and Claudia Brown.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

763. Routledge studies in hu
Author: edited by Libby Porter and Kate Shaw.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

765. Shahsavan Iranian rugs and textiles /
Author: [sostaviteli i avtory teksta V.O. Kazari� a︡n, S.S. Manuki� a︡n].
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

766. Social Capital and Risk Sharing
Author: \ Adam Ng, Abbas Mirakhor, Mansor H. Ibrahim.
Library: Library of Foreign Languages and Islamic Sources (Qom)
Subject: Capitalism -- Religious aspects -- Islam.,Social capital (Sociology) -- Religious aspects.,Infrastructure (Economics),Risk.,Finance-- Religious aspects-- Islam.,سرمایه داری -- جنبههای مذهبی -- اسلام ,سرمایه اجتماعی -- جنبههای مذهبی ,زیر بنای اقتصادی
Classification :

767. Social Capital and Risk Sharing
Author: \ Adam Ng , Abbas Mirakhor , and Mansor H. Ibrahim
Library: Library of Foreign Languages and Islamic Sources (Qom)
Subject: Infrastructure (Economics),زیر بنای اقتصادی,a03,a03,Capitalism -- Religious aspects -- Islam.,Social capital (Sociology) -- Religious aspects.,سرمایه داری -- جنبههای مذهبی -- اسلام ,سرمایه اجتماعی -- جنبههای مذهبی
Classification :

768. Social welfare in Muslim societies in Africa /
Author: Holger Weiss, editor.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Islam-- Economic aspects-- Africa.,Islamic sociology.,Zakat-- Africa.,Islam-- Aspect économique-- Afrique.,Sociologie religieuse-- Islam.,Zak*at-- Afrique.,1999.,71.81 welfare policy.,Africa.,conference papers (form),Islam-- Economic aspects.,Islam.,Islam.,Islamic sociology.,social welfare.,Welzijnsbeleid.,Zakat.,Africa., 7
Classification :

769. Social welfare in Muslim societies in Africa
Author: edited by Holger Weiss
Library: State Department Library (Tehran)
Subject: Zakat -- Africa,Islam -- Economic aspects -- Africa,Sociology, Islamic
Classification :

770. South Asian history: an introduction -- Modernity and antiquity: interpretations of ancient India -- Pre-modern accommodation of difference: the making of Indo-Islamic cultures -- The Mughal Empire: state, economy and society -- India between empires: decline or decentralization? -- The transition to colonialism: resistance and collaboration -- The first century of British rule, 1757 to 1857: state and economy -- Company Raj and Indian society, 1757 to 1857: reinvention and reform of tradition -- 1857: rebellion, collaboration and the transition to Crown Raj -- High noon of colonialism, 1858 to 1914: state and political economy -- A nation
Author: Sugata Bose and Ayesha Jalal.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

771. Southeast Asian Muslims in the Era of Globalization
Author: Ken Miichi, Omar Farouk
Library: Latin Specialized Library of Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy (Qom)
Subject: Ethnic identity ، Muslims - Southeast Asia,، Islam and politics - Southeast Asia,Religious aspects Islam ، Globalization,، POLITICAL SCIENCE / Globalization,، RELIGION / Islam / General,، SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology of Religion
Classification :

772. Strategies for waging peace : Foucault as collaborateur / Stuart Elden -- Goodbye war on terror? Foucault and Butler on discourses of law, war and exceptionalism / Andrew W. Neal -- Life struggles : war, discipline, and biopolitics in the thought of Michel Foucault / Julian Reid -- Security : a field left fallow / Didier Bigo -- Revisiting Franco's death : life and death and bio-political governmentality / Paolo Palladino -- Law versus history : Foucault's genealogy of modern sovereignty / Mariana Valverde -- T
Author: edited by Michael Dillon and Andrew W. Neal.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

773. Studies in Islamic social sciences
Author: Masudul Alam Choudhury ; with a foreword by Johan Saravanamutta Abdullah ; and a chapter by B.N. Ghosh ... [et al.]&
Library: State Department Library (Tehran)
Subject: Islam and the social sciences,Sociology, Islamic,Islam - Social aspects,Islam - Economic aspects,Islam and state

774. Studies in Islamic social sciences
Author: Choudhury, Masudul Alam, 8491-
Library: Latin Specialized Library of Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy (Qom)
Subject: ، Islam and the social sciences,، Islamic sociology,Social aspects ، Islam,، Economics Religious aspects - Islam
Classification :

775. The Atlantic Alliance and global crisis manage
Author: Damon Coletta.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

776. The Seljuqs :
Author: edited by Christian Lange and Songül Mecit.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Seldschuken,Seljuks-- Civilization, Congresses.,Seljuks-- Politics and government, Congresses.,Seljuks-- Social life and customs, Congresses.,Seldjoukides-- Mœurs et coutumes, Congrès.,HISTORY-- Middle East-- General.,Seljuks-- Civilization.,Seljuks-- Politics and government.,Seljuks-- Social life and customs.,SOCIAL SCIENCE-- Sociology-- General.,Middle East, History, Congresses.,Moyen-Orient, Histoire, Congrès.,Middle East., 0, 6, 7
Classification :

777. The Seljuqs :
Author: edited by Christian Lange and Songül Mecit.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Seldschuken,Seljuks-- Civilization, Congresses.,Seljuks-- Politics and government, Congresses.,Seljuks-- Social life and customs, Congresses.,HISTORY-- Middle East-- General.,Seljuks-- Civilization.,Seljuks-- Politics and government.,Seljuks-- Social life and customs.,SOCIAL SCIENCE-- Sociology-- General.,Middle East, History, Congresses.,Middle East., 0, 7
Classification :

778. The apology for Raymond Sebond / Michel de Montaigne -- The new Organon / Francis Bacon -- Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina and The Assayer / Galileo Galilei -- Discourse on the method of rightly conducting the reason and Seeking for truth in the sciences / René Descartes -- Leviathan / Thomas Hobbes -- Mathematical principles of natural philosophy / Isaac Newton -- The meditations on First philosophy / René Descartes -- The second set of objections with replies / René Descartes -- The third set of objections with replies / René Descartes -- The fourth set of objections with replies / René Descartes -- The fifth set of objections with replies / René Descartes -- Letters to and from Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia -- Pensées / Blaise Pascal -- The ethics / Benedict Spinoza -- The search after truth / Nicolas Malebranche -- Discourse on metaphysics / G. W. F. Leibniz -- The theodicy : abridgement of the argument / G. W. F. Leibniz -- The monadology / G. W. F. Leibniz -- The prince / Niccolò Machiavelli -- Leviathan / Thomas Hobbes -- On the duty of man and citizen / Samuel Pufendorf. 0
Author: edited by A.P. Martinich ; with Fritz Allhoff and Anand Jayprakash Vaidya.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

779. <The> crisis of global environmental governan
Author: 20090527 0
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

780. The different aspects of Islamic culture: the individual and society in Islam
Author: chief editor, A. Bouhdiba; co-editor, M. Ma'ruf al-Dawalibi
Library: Central Library and Information Center of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Khorasan Razavi)
Subject: ، Sociology, Islamic,Social aspects ، Islam,، Islam and state
Classification :